Meetings, Agendas & Minutes

Meetings of the Parish Council are usually held on the second Monday of every month in West Bretton village hall, with the exception of August. The meetings commence at 7.30pm, except the Annual Meeting of the Parish which is held in April and commences at 7.00pm. At the start of each agenda, time is set aside for residents to voice any concerns or raise any questions they may have.

Members of the public are reminded that when making any comment that a Council meeting is a public meeting for which minutes are produced and published. Members of the public are always welcome to attend but are unable to intervene or comment in the actual business of the council meeting.

If a resident of the village thinks there is a particular item which the Parish Council should consider, then please contact either the Clerk or any of the Councillors and ask for it to be included on an agenda for a future meeting.
Agendas are normally prepared one week before the meeting to which they relate so please make sure that your request is made in good time. If there are reasons why an item cannot be discussed at a meeting then an explanation will be given at that meeting.

Agendas and notices of Parish Council meetings are posted on the Council’s notice boards at the village hall and on Huddersfield Road at least 3 clear days before a meeting. Minutes of meetings are also placed in the village hall and on this website shortly after approval by the council at a subsequent meeting.

Calendar of Meetings

Full Council

11 Nov 24 - 19:30

Full Council

9 Dec 24 - 19:30

Full Council

13 Jan 25 - 19:30

Full Council

10 Feb 25 - 19:30

Full Council

10 Mar 25 - 19:30